The 5 Houses


MOXABUSTION for Digestion

Moxabustion is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy that involves burning dried mugwort (moxa) near the surface of the skin at specific acupuncture points. Some proponents

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What does MOXABUSTION do for beauty?

Moxabustion is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves burning dried mugwort near the skin’s surface. While it’s primarily used for therapeutic purposes, some proponents

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Anipay Amulet Deters Aswang

Garlic and ginger – staple cultural foods and traditional healing plants in the philippines – are commonly used to deter witches. Whether you carry them,

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MOXABUSTION for Pain Relief

Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) technique that involves burning dried mugwort (moxa) near specific acupuncture points on the body. It is believed to

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How Moxabustion Helps Fertility

Moxabustion is sometimes used as a complementary therapy for fertility support, particularly in traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture practices. It’s based on the idea that

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